Home / Medicine / These products are contraindicated suffering from heartburn

These products are contraindicated suffering from heartburn

Эти продукты противопоказаны страдающим от изжоги They can cause a burning sensation in the esophagus.

Many of us are familiar with this uncomfortable condition as heartburn. It occurs when the valve at the lower part of the esophagus overly relaxed, allowing the acidic juices from the stomach flow back into the esophagus. And then a burning sensation in the throat and chest and a sour taste in the mouth. Some people suffer from mild attacks of heartburn, but her power may increase if you have a hernia, overweight or if you are pregnant. Typically, heartburn occurs after meals. All known irritants like alcohol, spicy and fatty foods. But there are foods that cause heartburn that you probably did not expect such a reaction.

Mint tea

Despite the fact that mint is often used to soothe and settle an upset stomach, it can have negative consequences for those suffering from heartburn.

The soothing effect of the menthol found in mint is able to exert a relaxing effect on the valve that separates the stomach and esophagus, allowing stomach acid to flow up into the esophagus more easily, increasing heartburn.

If you are in search of natural remedies to combat heartburn, try having peppermint ginger.

Olive oil

Olive oil contains several heart-healthy benefits, but it also can cause acid reflux for some people. In oil high in fat, which increases the possibility of a weakening of the muscles separating the stomach and esophagus, resulting in heartburn.


Milk has always been regarded as a means to help calm the stomach. However, studies show that cow’s milk can actually stimulate acid production and should be avoided if you are prone to bouts of heartburn.


This is another dairy product that causes heartburn. Most cheeses are high in fat, which slows down the digestion process and gastric emptying. This in turn may lead to increased pressure on the valve of the stomach and as a result, the gastric acid will flow back into the throat. If you are prone to heartburn, avoid eating cheese after the main meal.


On the one hand, tomatoes are a useful product that contains essential nutrients for health, and on the other they relate to the foods that cause heartburn. No matter fresh or canned you use them. If heartburn for you, a frequent guest from the tomatoes should be abandoned.


Caffeine contributes to further acid production and weaken the stomach valve. Any drink with a high content of caffeine can lead to as acid reflux. If you are one of those people who can not imagine their life without coffee, then you will have to significantly limit its use. Replace coffee, chamomile or green tea lightly brewed.


It is less likely to want to refer to the foods that cause heartburn, but unfortunately it is. Chocolate contains caffeine, which relaxes the muscle that causes the outflow of bile acids.

The high fat content in chocolate also plays a negative role in this problem. Avoid eating chocolate or cocoa after the meal, if you have heartburn.

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