Home / Economy / Development without the mobilization of a la Medvedev – it’s all the same find a bottom

Development without the mobilization of a la Medvedev – it’s all the same find a bottom

Развитие без мобилизации a-la Медведев – это все тот же поиск дна

Medvedev issued a policy statement regarding the development prospects of the Russian economy. The basic meaning of what he said was the following paragraph:

“Unacceptable proposals in the current environment to introduce very strict regulation of the economy, to return to the examples of Soviet planning. It is the rigidity of the Soviet model led to its collapse in the modern (post-industrial) society. There are a number of other ideas externally, as simple as it is dangerous: from transition to a command economy, nationalization of large companies to the total sales of state property…”

Among the usual songs about “investment as a driver of sustainable development” again sounds familiar – no mobilization! No state planning! Taboo! Get out, unclean! Terrible, even the spirit of Stalinism!

But any beloved Medvedev a large Corporation (like Apple, at least) consists of the departments of strategic planning is inextricably linked with strategic goal setting. And employees at work “overcomes” dry, mobilization absolutely key.

Don’t expect his career to only robbers and thieves, just remember the famous: “Stole – drunk – in jail!”

Refusing from strategic planning at the state level, you either have to become supercession-pirate (just take and plunder surrounding neighbors vparivaya them their paper for their gold, then there is especially to plan?), either your fate – nutrient broth for this superchinese. While we are on the planet superhilac one, and it is not Russia.

However, Medvedev mentions another danger – a total sale of state property, this is something new. Earlier, Medvedev’s office such sale was considered a panacea. They say now ineffective state will be replaced by efficient private hands – and immediately we have a “dance forest and mountains”…


But in General, Medvedev presented a moderately liberal program, with all the same a rake-experience of HSE that in recent decades has become dark bumps on his forehead frail Russian economy.

Who’s to say Indian double rake does not occur? Comes-comes. How. Not twice, but twenty-two.

We acknowledge the fact of political pressure on the economic relationship with the West and then forward from it investments. Going to “meet the challenges” of globalization of capital and say that will continue with a bare afedron flop in the same swamp with the bloodthirsty global-capitalist crocodiles.

Remember the nursery rhyme “About Thomas” S. Mikhalkov?


…Pants and shirt lying on the sand.

Stubborn floats in a dangerous river.

Close alligator fall prey.

– Run for your lives miserable, you can abyss!


But the guys heard the familiar answer:

“Please don’t teach, I was eleven years old!

Already crocodile at Thomas behind.

Already crocodile Thomas choked:


From the mouth of the beast sticking his head.

To the shore the wind carries the words:

– Cont… I don’t… – alligator breath,

And well-fed, the green water dive.


Well, aren’t I?

Medvedev said much, not answering, in fact, on just one question. How can “steadily” to develop a sovereign state “peripheral” in the context of globalization and intensification of the struggle “all against all” without their own strategy and clear answers to the challenges of our time?

After all, there is a confrontation with global capital or the white flag and loss of sovereignty.

Yes, maybe the tactics of “neither peace nor war” – which is not leading Russia to an immediate loss. But with postponements from open confrontation with global capital because you need to use it, go ahead. Because to sit still is inevitably to roll in the tail that we see year after year.

How can one do without the mobilization and guiding planning role of the state?

In General, the new-old Medvedev – it’s all the same conciliatory purr before cumulative West – eyes closed and belly up.

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