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Deputies Kherson city Council did not allow the Muslims to build a mosque

Депутаты Херсонского городского совета не разрешили мусульманам строить мечеть

The situation around informal confrontation of the Muslims, representatives of the Tatar community and residents of Kherson region, continues to deteriorate. Another incident — the deputies of the Kherson city Council did not allow the Muslims to build a mosque and Muslim cultural center. This was reported yesterday, Sheikh Qasim, Imam of Muslims of the Kherson region. His press conference was dedicated, according to him, the existing problem of discrimination against Muslims from the city Council.

However, the whole situation is quite ambiguous because of the local residents receive more information about brazen behavior on the part of just representatives of the Mejlis, who illegally seize land every day more and more increasing their influence in the territory and openly state a claim for control of the area. As you know, to the extent that require Poroshenko create the Autonomous Tatar Republic. Even that is not as it seems at first glance to be without merit. It is known that they are having behind a powerful protector in the person of Turkey, which has in the region of their interests, and puts pressure on Poroshenko as diplomatically, and with the help of the public force in the form of the Crimean Tatar Association.

Poroshenko also has to balance between two fires. With one hand above the interests of Turkey, which our government is now in partnership. On the other — the official ideology of “unified country”, actively supported by the Ukrainian society. Moreover, there are still powerful, and besides, an armed force, in the form of radical nationalist battalions, which are not at all happy about the idea of dismemberment of Ukraine. Because at the slightest steps towards the Crimean Tatar Autonomous Republic from our government, the nationalists certainly will Express their disagreement. And do they used by armed conflicts, which may escalate the situation. Still do not forget about the local population that is already weary of the lawlessness and arbitrariness, as the first, and second, the actions which local authorities are now for the most part tries to close his eyes.

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