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Delicious diet tea: effective and simple

Вкусная диета на какао: эффективно и простоTo strengthen the result, arrange fasting day once a week and try to eat right.

Diet based on cocoa perfectly speeds up metabolism, promotes weight loss, suppresses the appetite, reduces hunger, reduces subcutaneous fat and nourishes the body with minerals.

Schedule diet:

Breakfast the first 3 days: 1 Cup cocoa (200 ml milk+2 tsp cocoa powder), boiled in milk. 150 grams of oatmeal in water without sugar.
Lunch the first 3 days: 200 ml rice vegetable soup without meat.
Afternoon tea first 3 days (snack) – 2-3 cubes of dark chocolate!
Dinner the first 3 days: 1 Cup cocoa + 100-150 g of cottage cheese fat content to 5%.

Breakfast 4-6 day – 1 Cup cocoa + 200 ml natural yogurt
Lunch 4-6 day – a Cup of hot chocolate + a piece of whole grain bread
Afternoon snack – piece of chocolate.
Dinner 4-6 day – a Cup of cocoa + 100 grams of boiled lean meat.

Day 7:
Breakfast – Cup of cocoa + 100 grams of boiled brown rice.
Lunch – 3 pieces of dark chocolate + Cup of cocoa.
Dinner – 100-150 grams boiled rice and chicken.

Diet 7 days should have been longer! Repeat in two months. For the result to hold, arrange fasting day once a week and try to eat right.

Drink plenty of fluids, water and tea. Coffee it is desirable to limit.

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