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Created a very scary cases for smartphones

Созданы очень страшные чехлы для смартфоновCreated smartphone cases that can scare everyone.

Covers and cases for smartphones can be what you like, to deal with a variety of interests and can be performed in the most varied form.

But the title of the worst cases for iPhone claimed the invention of an artist and dental technician with Morgan Laible who for no reason began to create a creepy iPhone cases.

The artist-dentist called his invention a “Mutation Morgana. Users report that there is nothing more terrifying they had ever seen. The covers represent the detailing on the face of various monsters.

Moreover, Morgan Loibl accessories adorned with warts, grinning a wry mouths gawking and bulging eyes, it is impossible not to pay attention.

Созданы очень страшные чехлы для смартфонов

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