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Cleansing the kidneys with baths and healing fees

Очищение почек с помощью ванн и целебных сборовIf you suffer from pain in the kidneys, it can be made easier by using the following ways.

For starters, experts advise to exclude from the diet of fatty, fried, smoked, and practically all sweets. It is recommended to not drink more than two liters per day so as not to make the kidneys excrete too much fluid. Is perfect to drink plain water, mineral water without gas and a variety of fruit drinks, birch juice.

Beneficial effects on the kidneys have a cocktail of vegetable juice, which you can just cook your own at home:
To do this, take ¼ Cup of parsley juice, add 1 tablespoon of honey, pour boiling water to the top of the glass and drink during the day.

Good for cleaning kidneys and juices from beets, carrots, cucumber. It’s simple – mix equal proportions of vegetables, passed through a juice extractor and drink half a litre per day.

And you can mix cranberry juice and cranberry juice in equal proportions or rotate them. Experts recommended for the treatment of kidney to go to the bath, in the steam room. From there the body will naturally derived excess liquid. But this should be done deliberately and only when you have no problems with the cardiovascular system.

Can also be purchased in the pharmacy of the renal collection, consisting of dried herbs that is excellent will help the kidneys to cope with small disruptions. Usually in the composition of this collection includes the leaves and berries of bilberry, birch leaves and buds, flax seeds. But it will be good if the appointment will make the doctor.

Good clean buds drinks according to the recipes of traditional medicine.

Cleansing baths and lemon tea

When there are pains in the kidneys. You need to take a hot bath and drink a very hot tea with lemon. Well to this drink to add the juices (in between meals), cleaning fees.

Cleansing honey

– Mix equal parts of peeled pine nuts and honey. Take 3-4 teaspoons daily.

– Mix 1 glass of honey and celery seed taken 1 teaspoon three times a day.

– Mix 1 glass of honey, radish juice and vodka. Insist for three days. Take 2 tablespoons three times daily before meals.

Cleansing juniper

Take 2 teaspoons of crushed leaves and cones of juniper, pour 2 cups boiling water, insist within 2 hours. The cooled infusion is filtered, add sugar and keep on a water bath to obtain a syrup. To the drug should take 1 teaspoon before meals three times a day. It is important to strictly adhere to the dosage. Juniper has a strong diuretic effect, is cleansing the kidney.

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