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Chronicle of the Russian hunting books

141. Sabaneev L. P. Hunting calendar. Reference book for rifle hunters and hounds. Second edition, altered and considerably augmented. With 480 Fig. in the text.
M., 1892, XII+LXXVIII+470+117+114+IV+38 p., 5 RUB., 8°, 2400 copies.
L. P. Sabaneev was not one of those people who rests on its laurels, so a new edition of “Calendar” prepared with great care, offsetting the loss of a fishing component complete at the time the information about the gun and hunting hounds that turned the book into a real hunting encyclopedia.

142. Starlings F. Hunter and fisherman. Notebook for young hunters and anglers.
C Fig. Pb., 1891, II+IV+141+43 p., 16°, 50 kopecks.
Author of the book did not benefit from broad knowledge in hunting and absolutely bad taste in hunting rifles, claiming that the price of the product Tula gunsmiths of the production can reach up to 2,000 rubles (!).

143. Tomilin, V. E. masters and servants. The story of the life of canids and rifle hunters. In 2 parts.
Kharkov, 1891, 201+1 S., 8°, 1 RUB.
Truthful and artless description of the hunting life and hunting after the abolition of serfdom.

144. Von Bergholz Lion. The past. Annex to the magazine “Hunting”.
Pb., 1892, 39 p., 8°.
Two interesting story of the whipper about canid hunts in the days of serfdom.


145. Bellvale Alfred. Hawk hunting.
Per. from Franz. ed. by A. E. Korsch, with a note.
N. P. Daniel.
M., 1892, 8°.
The book was issued in the form of annexes to the “hunting Log” publisher Korsch, but due to the closure of the magazine was published only 24 pages of this very valuable and popular overseas labor.

146. Roller D. P. My hunting trip. Part one.
Pb., 1892, 40 p., 12°.
Interesting for the history of hound hunting memories of the trip to Russia in search of vintage Borzoi. The second part of the book did not.


147. D. A. wilansky Household hunting stories.
Pb., 1892, I+352 p., 12°, 1 RUB 50 kop., T., 2000 copies.
The author is one of the most popular writers-the hunters of the second half of XIX – early XX century.


148. K. wolf hunting with Hounds and hunting with the paper trail, mandatory according to § 28 of the new instructions for conducting lessons with the scouts.
Pb., 1892, p. 55, 120, 25 kopecks.
Explanatory description parforsnaya hunting the beast, artificial (portage) and paper trail.

149. Karabchevsky D. A.’s Oldest sport. Essay.
Pb., 1892, 40 p., 8°, 25 kopecks.
The author, considering modern hunting as a manifestation of atavism, traces the ways of getting a beast from ancient times and concludes that hunting will exist for a long time. Very well written brochure.


150. Crimean E. S. Hunt birds and beasts in the Ukraine, the Ukraine and Volhynia. With the application of the articles about guns and hunting dogs: hounds and pointers. Second revised edition.
Zvenyhorodka, 1892, 64 p., ill., 12°, 50 COP., 450 copies.
One of the few hunting books of the XIX century, published in the province. E. S. Crimean wrote and published a large number of textbooks, compilation of books and booklets of household and decorative purposes, but about the hunt and wrote on the basis of his long experience. The first edition of “bird Hunting” was published in Moscow (1875, 3000 copies). The title of my copy rectangular stamp: “Cheap sale of all books with a concession in a bookstore S. Y. Chaplygin on fundukleyev street, d. № 20 in Kiev”.

151. Levashov A. Hunting stories and articles. Issue I.
Spassk Ryazan province., 1892, 315 p., 8°, 1 RUB, 520 copies.
Earlier stories by this famous author hunter hunting have been published in periodicals. Of the 18 stories dedicated to the hunt, only a third, the other about fishing.

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