Home / Science and technology / China will release a smartphone with a thickness of 4 mm

China will release a smartphone with a thickness of 4 mm

В Китае выпустят смартфон толщиной 4 ммOfficially present the new product is due in July this year.

In China are preparing to release a smartphone Oukitel K7000 with a thickness of 4 millimeters, with an incredibly “long-playing” battery of 7000 mAh, which will ensure the operation of the device within a few days.

According to the manufacturer, the official presentation of the device will be held in July this year.

The gadget has got a 5-inch screen with a resolution of 1280×720, and the body on a metal frame.

The design of the smartphone in China is reminiscent of the iPhone 6s due to the presence of plastic inserts, as well as the design of the Home button. Color solutions Oukitel K7000 got the same as “Apple” gadget.

The device will be running Android 6.0 Marshmallow. More detailed features of the gadget are still kept secret.

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