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Cardiologists have described the main differences between a hypertensive crisis and heart attack

Кардиологи назвали главные отличия гипертонического криза и инфарктаWith the appearance of certain symptoms doctors recommend immediately call “ambulance”.

Very often in the practice of cardiology, there are cases when their patients complicates the situation, mistaking the symptoms of a hypertensive crisis with a heart attack. The fact is that most people are too arrogant and are trying to cope with various ailments without resorting to medical care. But in the case of heart pain, numbness of extremities, excessive sweating and other unpleasant sensations not delay, as this may be the following diseases: heart attack, stroke, and hypertensive crisis.

The main difference between a heart attack from hypertension doctors call the fact that the person is very sick for a long time in the region behind the rib cage. Moreover, this pain syndrome can also affect the neck, arms, jaw and under the shoulder blades. If to describe the pain, hypertensive crisis, then it can be called moderate and tolerant. It is localized mainly on the left side of the heart.

Cardiologists note that their potential patients for some reason, often silent about their feelings and address to physicians in case of urgent need when the strength to endure the pain anymore. Also, they once again warned that myocardial infarction and hypertensive crisis in the absence of proper treatment can lead to serious complications and even death, so that in such a situation to be trifled with.

Another typical symptom of a heart attack doctors believe excessive sweating, but the sweat is cold, and its texture is sticky. If a person has had pain in the chest, and the clammy cold sweat is not observed, it is likely that he had a hypertensive crisis. But be that as it was not necessary to call “ambulance”, doctors immediately determine the cause a variety of symptoms, establish a diagnosis and provide treatment, if necessary hospitalitynet to the hospital.

Severe shortness of breath can also indicate a heart attack, not of hypertensive crisis. At the time of attack a person is difficult to breathe, feeling short of breath, he tries to breathe more often, but he is not very good. Such symptoms are more typical of a heart attack.

Often when heart attack patients lose consciousness, but the hypertensive crisis is accompanied by high blood pressure.

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