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Can’t test – take our word for it!..

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Practical atheists ” believe in all that can’t be bothered to check…

I completely agree that no religion in school progress should not be. Even the “History of religions” – is dragging rechristianization or reislamization that in our far from these myths, bygone country is unacceptable.
By the way, does not mean that those 95 % % who do not go to temples, immoral, or uncivilized unbelievers. My Russian friend’s wife is Tatar, and he can’t recommend it enough her lovely family. But when he once came home on Easter to Church, had included her name in the list of “in health”, the people in the pulpit her unwavering struck out. Here you have “God”…

Now religion only divide the peoples and ethnic groups. I recognize that unbelievers are not in principle, everyone tend to believe. First parents, then teachers, and then commanders and chiefs, and the parishioners are compelled to believe in the word more, and priests and mullahs.
Life is so constructed that there is no time to check the whole past experience of humanity, which is life. Even the data of science have to take on faith…

Therefore, humanity, to survive and to stop the fratricidal war and competition, it is necessary to create a single world religion, which even it calls for only one thing – to faith in man, and in a higher power that gives us life – the Great Space…

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