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Calmness, only calmness: experts tell how to stop a tantrum

Спокойствие, только спокойствие: эксперты рассказали, как быстро унять истерикуIt turns out that people can be independently and quickly to calm your nerves.

A stressful situation can ruffle anyone. And, absolutely no difference where and what time comes the peak of nervous tension. As we know, nerve cells do not regenerate, in this regard to keep their nerves need throughout life. You need to learn how to deal with stress, and find for yourself the most effective way of calming, it’s important to try to calm down with alcoholic beverages, because they cause a surge of even more aggression and panic.

Torn, unable to control himself and can tell a story to others many unpleasant words, to quarrel with those closest to you and so on. Another thing, when the tantrum happens because of an accident or emergency situation. But in that and in other case the doctors give you one piece of advice — keep calm.

How to quickly calm down, and stop the hysteria:

1. Cold water will revive in a few seconds. Enough to wash with running cold water, wash hands and rinse the neck. If the tantrum overtook the man, he might even put his head under running water. Helps to calm the nerves of the washing of the feet in the cool water, at least for a while, while people will wash and wipe his feet, he can already forget why it was mad before.

2. Deep breaths. In General, breathing exercises is one of the easiest ways to calm down and normalize their mental state. Take a couple deep breaths in the moment when you’re about to explode and start to hysteria.

3. Visualization. This method is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, but its effectiveness has been proven by scientists. You need to sit or lie down, close my eyes, to submit to the sea or chamomile field. Psychologists say that water is associated with relaxation and pleasant emotions from the man, quickly calming him down. Also applies white color. Imagine you’re running across a field dotted with daisies, or lying on the soft sand on the ocean shore, around the trees and a nice breeze, the sun is shining.. You are so well and happily will be the soul that return to reality and did not immediately want, and of nerves and you do forget.

4. The use of force. No wonder invented a special dummy, which is set in the offices. At any time to come and punch him. This man and let out steam, and calm, and doesn’t hurt anyone.

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