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Called the hidden symptoms of diabetes

Названы симптомы скрытого сахарного диабета Monitor blood sugar levels regularly especially if you are predisposed to diabetes.

We show how to identify latent diabetes, signs and symptoms prediabetes state.

That negligence to their own health can lead to development of diabetes. Check blood sugar levels regularly especially to those people who are predisposed to the development of the disease.

Hidden or latent diabetes is one of the most dangerous human conditions as develops imperceptibly for the patient. That is why it is very important to know the symptoms of latent diabetes.

Causes of diabetes
· Age. Older people, approximately 80-85% have the disease in severe form.
· Heredity. That genetic predisposition influences the development of the disease with other triggering factors.
· Excess weight. Extra weight caused by poor diet impairs metabolism.
· Certain viral diseases that affect cells of the pancreas that produce insulin.

Hidden symptoms of diabetes
1. Flaking and itching of the skin.This symptom is caused by pathogenic organisms.
2. Feeling dry mouth, thirst. It is impossible to get drunk. This symptom is difficult to recognize, especially in summer when it’s hot outside.
3. The violation weight. Sometimes a patient may initially lose weight and then gain.
4. Increased appetite and frequent urination.
5. Constant fatigue.
6. Decreased vision
7. Slow healing of wounds

The risk factors of diabetes include:
· Women who suffer from polycystic ovaries;
· People with low potassium in the blood (patients with hypertension);
· Overweight people
· People with hereditary predisposition
· Women who have suffered my new laptop temporary diabetes during pregnancy.

Diagnosis of latent diabetes mellitus
Hidden diabetes are asymptomatic. Not always able to recognize the presence of symptoms of diabetes, so asks for help too late.

Reveal latent diabetes can be due to the test of tolerance of glucose. The patient measures the level of glucose in blood on an empty stomach, then dates to drink 75 of glucose, and after 3 hours the analysis is repeated. If a person is healthy, natural filters do not release the glucose from the body, and if not, then it appears in the urine.

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