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The chains of freedom

A new financial revolution will lead to the collapse of the global banking system Vice-President of Sberbank Andrei Sharov said recently that over the next ten years the banking system will disappear. The reason for this will be not a fall in oil prices or some other economic catastrophe, the …

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Profit of Russian banks jumped 18 times

Russian credit organizations in January-March of 2016 received a profit of 107 billion rubles, said at a Congress of the Association of Russian banks, the head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina, reports “Interfax”. “Despite the fact that in the beginning of last year were the losses of the banking …

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March fishing

The height of spring… this year, all classically: the morning ice until glass fixed lutati, almost like winter, but by noon the sun heated to white, blinding and burning like a padded suit. But still Murphy’s Law worked this time. Everything was smooth weather with plus temperatures that afternoon, that …

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Spring shallow water

In the spring due to snow melt and precipitation under the ice cover receives a lot of fresh water, which, incidentally, is not only very much saturated with oxygen, but also has a lower temperature than the “old” water in the reservoir. Perhaps only in the shallow waters under the …

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For roach and bream with bezmetallny

Just as Volgograd anglers go in the spring for the following Astrakhan dried fish, shoulder to shoulder stand on the Bank of the Volga river during the turn of the Caspian herring, the same time it happens on the last ice on tsimlyanskii reservoir. This reservoir is still fishing most …

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Bait for bream

Bream, which is a desirable prey for many anglers, and is caught quite well in the icy water. However, his behavior changes significantly, due to the temperature of the environment. Bream eats actively, but to do it he prefers in the dark. No, during the day you can also get …

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