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Who really benefit from a weak ruble?

On the stability of the Russian economy is much discussed. In April, hosted the fifth economic forum. Addressing the seminar, first Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia Ksenia Yudaeva listed risks, it is estimated that economy will be. Reporting to the financial elite their vision problems, first Deputy Chairman, …

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Cancer has been able to exploit healthy cells

A group of scientists from the Institute of cancer research and Manchester University found that cancer cells can force normal cells to help your reproduction. For this they use a mutated gene responsible for cell division. The results are published in the journal Cell. Press release available on the website …

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5 must-have seasonal wardrobe

Spring is the time of renewal in every sense. So it’s time to look into your closets and get rid of old jackets, coats, sweaters, faded and not fresh blouses. Actress Field Polyakova, who watches the news, chose five things spring wardrobe and advise on what to pay attention to …

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Media: five banks participate in the privatization of Russian assets

Five banks have applied for participation in the privatization of Russian assets. About it reports “Interfax” with reference to the information source from the press service of the Ministry of economic development. The banks are: Credit Suisse, UBS, Citi, UniCredit and Raiffeisen. According to the source, foreign banks would like …

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Scientists: apples is an effective fat burner

Apples are a natural and very effective fat burner, said Japanese scientists by results of corresponding research. Experts have conducted experiments with participation of volunteers. In particular, scientists have found that in the body of the subjects and their diet consisted of apples, decreased level of fat-containing components. “Three middle-sized …

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