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Global production of stress or fear in corporations

The modern world is, along with the States of the largest corporations, the value of which social thought is misunderstood, because their study is in fact banned. From their depths occasionally exposing the leak. Large and wealthy employers, they are more likely to produce admiration than criticism. Meanwhile, transnational corporations …

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As a year-round travel on the network earned money

In recent years, more and more people prefer to exchange office weekdays on life “digital nomad”. They work remotely or run their Internet business and in his spare time traveling the world, rarely staying somewhere longer than a month. “Ribbon.<url>” I talked to three digital nomads about their life, work …

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Can’t test – take our word for it!..

Practical atheists ” believe in all that can’t be bothered to check… I completely agree that no religion in school progress should not be. Even the “History of religions” – is dragging rechristianization or reislamization that in our far from these myths, bygone country is unacceptable. By the way, does …

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Art in the city: the best examples of public art

The tradition to bring in the existing urban environment bright accents in the form of art objects are extremely popular all over the world. The Archuleta has remembered the most interesting examples of this “art intervention”.   The genre of the creation of works of art intended for placement on …

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In the headquarters of Apple found the body

Wednesday. April 28, in the conference hall of the headquarters of Apple in Cupertino (USA, California) was found the body of a dead man. According to the representative of the local Sheriff, the man was an employee of Apple. She also said that while suspects in connection with the death …

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