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Graduate student accidentally invented an “eternal” battery

As reported on the website of the University of California, Irvine (UCI), the student may Le Thai to (Mya Le Thai) accidentally created a battery that loses capacity after hundreds of thousands of recharge cycles. A typical commercial lithium-ion battery can withstand 200 to 400 recharge cycles. Experienced battery of …

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Israel: a complicated story of captured weapons

The Kalashnikov rifles that have become symbols of status, Katyusha rockets, which were fired by Lebanese terrorists, and tanks replaced the name: you will be surprised to learn that the Israeli army did with the weapons of their enemies.   Shay levy (שי לוי) Tanks, armored personnel carriers, airplanes and …

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Italian court will not prosecute hungry thieves

Italy’s highest court allowed the hungry to steal food. But only if we are talking about life and death. A precedent was the case of the unemployed Ukrainians who in 2011 was sentenced to 6 months in prison and fined € 100 for stealing two pieces of cheese and packaging …

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CHINESE SNACKS <button class=”sh_button sh_button-light sh_button-small” data-size=”12px”></button> <button class=”sh_button sh_button-sh_button light-medium sh_button–active” data-size=”15px”></button> <button class=”sh_button sh_button-light sh_button-large” data-size=”18px”>A</button> Skewers of silkworms, Tysiachniouk and Scorpions, fried starfish and grasshoppers, soup of the ovaries of frogs and jellyfish salad with all these shocking delicacies for the Chinese — useful and nutritious food …

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Tears spring forest

Every spring, many hunters for a few days go to the forest to devote myself to my hobby. But, once in the spring forest, even experienced hunters can not ignore the white-trunked tree — the birch. Once even in a small birch grove, the person involuntarily stops and thinks about …

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Spring song

The sun left the southern hemisphere of our planet and its life-giving light bears North. Fields free of snow. Time to praise the arrival of shorebirds. And not only… The forest beckons in the hunter’s smell of rotten leaf. My friend Anatoly, an Amateur painter, did not approve of those …

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Russian weapons: “winged infantry” got new armor

By the Navy adopted the BMD-4M “Gardener” and BTR-MDM “Rakushka”. According to the defense Ministry, both cars have been successfully tested and performed well during the military operation. The government decree on the adoption of new equipment into service have been signed. Tracked BMD-4M “Gardener” appeared in the modernization of …

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Socotra – the island of unusual trees

This island is in the Indian ocean. Socotra is an archipelago of four Islands and two rocks in the Indian ocean off the coast of Somalia, about 350 km South of the Arabian Peninsula. Due to the isolation of the island many local species of flora and fauna no longer …

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Downshifters 2.0

As a year-round travel on the network earned money In recent years, more and more people prefer to exchange office weekdays on life “digital nomad”. They work remotely or run their Internet business and in his spare time traveling the world, rarely staying somewhere longer than a month. “Ribbon.<url>” I …

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