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Cherry juice reduces high blood pressure

A new study has shown that cherry juice reduces high blood pressure as well as drugs. “In people who drank 60 ml of cherry concentrate diluted with water, there was a decrease in blood pressure by 7% for 3 hours. This is quite enough for a 38% reduction in the …

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Freebies come

Why believe that the state should pay for the lives of citizens In recent years, network users are actively discussing the fact that the real incomes of the population in developed countries stop growing, and automation of labor destroys jobs. Some well-known economists and bloggers offer to rectify the situation …

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Love for fathers ‘ coffins

How to celebrate the life and not to go after him The government has prepared a bill, which should bring order to the market of funeral services. Agents will be given licenses. For “draining” information on the deceased out of state institutions will be fined. In the country there are …

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The Central Bank revoked the license of the Interactive Bank

Moscow Interactive Bank deprived of the license for banking operations. On Tuesday, April 26, reported on the website of the Central Bank. The reason — high-risk lending policy companies. According to statements by total assets of the credit organization on April 1, 428 took place in the Russian banking system. …

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SWIFT warned its clients about cyber hacking attempts

The global network of financial messages SWIFT has warned its customers about the recent “cyber incidents” in which attackers send fraudulent messages. About it reports Reuters. As specified, the criminals were able to send false messages of the SWIFT system of the operating departments of financial institutions, with personal computers …

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Muscovites gathered food for the residents of Tver villages

At the end of April — beginning of may in the Moscow garden “the Hermitage”, a charity action to collect food for residents in 82 villages in Tver region, told the radio station “Moscow Says” press Secretary of “Foundation of food “Rus”,” Anna Alieva-Khrustalyov. Food will be distributed among the …

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Rules of court business: what’s “wallet” Lukashenko?

In March, Belarusian media reported the arrest of several prominent businessmen, among whom was especially close to Alexander Lukashenko, Yuri Chizh, the head of the company “triple”. It is often called the “purse” Lukashenko said. Why Yuri Chizh, who, along with Lukashenko planted potatoes and harvested the watermelons, was under …

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The forgotten hunt

Blame the geese. Because of them, darling, I threw the spring snipe with ducks together. Too short spring season. Not take it under a couple of evening hunting for traction. Maybe the provincialism of the present life affected. Unpopular among the “farmers” traction. That morning I arrived at the appointed …

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