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Touching the stock. As the oil States are spending their wealth

In many oil countries have the anti-crisis Fund, replenished by windfall revenues from energy sales. In the period of high quotations of cumulative structure functioned with varying degrees of success. Now is the time to spend accumulated during the fat years of the oil money. “Ribbon.<url>” I studied the examples …

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The highest settlement in Russia and Europe

The journey to this remote settlement can not be called too simple. And may you rise up with a proven SUV — one way or another, affects not the best way and of course air. With every turn of the road and with every meter, oxygen deficiency is felt more …

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Foot odor: the TOP 16 ways to compete with him

The problem of unpleasant foot odor is very common. How to get rid of foot odor? For this there are many effective means, and many of them do not have to spend money – they will be in your kitchen. The problem that needs to be solved From two to …

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White and red, counterfeit

One third of wine production in Russia is counterfeit. And more counterfeits among the cheapest and chassis brands, experts say. The overall rate of adulteration in the market of wine products is not less than 40%, said the head of the Center of researches Federal and regional alcohol markets Vadim …

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President confusion

The problem is not who will lead US, but whether that will result in confusion, which extends to this country and the whole world. After it became almost obvious that in November to vie for the American presidency will be Donald trump and Hillary Clinton, experts with a special feeling, …

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All about cemetery massacre: a Chechen trace, mysterious Director

On Saturday afternoon in the South-West of Moscow on Khovansky a cemetery there was unprecedented hitherto a massacre among immigrants from Tajikistan and Chechnya. Unprecedented in their scope (3 people killed, 26 injured), and scope (affected even random people), and by geography. Until now, the most high-profile crimes on the …

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This is a must see: “svetlakova caves of New Zealand

Especially popular among tourists for its unique “luminous caves in New Zealand. For the first time “svetlakova cave began to explore tan Tinorau, the former ruler of the local Maori. Local residents have long known about the existence of unusual caves, which could be reached by water, but never dared …

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