Home / Business / More than 300 British businessmen called for his country’s exit from the EU

More than 300 British businessmen called for his country’s exit from the EU

Больше 300 британских бизнесменов призвали к выходу своей страны из ЕС

About 300 representatives of large business and industrial areas of great Britain appealed to residents of the country in an open letter with an appeal to vote for the Kingdom’s exit from the European Union on the upcoming referendum.

A referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU will take place on June 23. The referendum question, which in the country is already being called the most important strategic decision a whole generation, is: “Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?”

In a letter published in the Telegraph newspaper, States that “competitiveness of the UK undermines the membership of the failing EU”.

“Year after year the European Union makes smaller purchases in Britain, because its economy (countries) are stagnating and millions of people remain unemployed. According to Mervyn king, former head of the Bank of England, the Euro “could explode”, – the statement says.

Businessmen, put into calling their signatures, said that outside the EU the UK business will be able to intensively grow, enter new markets and create new jobs.

The letter was signed by representatives of the companies in the service sector, investment, information technology, heavy and light industry, media, including Reebok, Euro Strategies, Bloomberg New Energy Finance, Powell Engineering UK, Calcot Hotels and other, marks RIA “news”.

We will add that in the UK many did not support the membership of their country in the European Union.

May 15, ex-London mayor Boris Johnson has even said about the similarity of goals of the EU and Hitler.

According to him, while officials in Brussels, use methods that differ from those used by Adolf Hitler, they share the same goal – unification of Europe under one leadership.

Johnson, as mayor, have repeatedly stated that the UK should leave the EU.

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