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It’s shocking: hygiene women in Europe recent past

It is widely known, in any unsanitary conditions people lived Medieval times. But few realize what hygienic problems disappeared also for frilly dresses Rococo and romantic appearance of the heroines of early nineteenth-century… Such airy beauty and had no idea about the many benefits of civilization that are familiar to …

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How useful kiss

    First, develop light: if we normally do about 20 breaths per minute, an interesting fact, – while kissing the number of breaths per minute may increase threefold;   Secondly, kissing increase the heart rate, and this in turn leads to improved circulation and metabolism;   Thirdly, kissing people …

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Scientists: the cause of autism and intestinal flora!

Violation of the intestinal flora may be the cause of autism. Insufficient amounts of Lactobacillus Reuteri is associated with behavioral disorders, scientists say. The lack of certain types of intestinal bacteria associated with symptoms of autism, concludes a study published in the medical journal Cell. It should be noted that …

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Genetically modified foods (GMO foods)

Genetically modified organisms — the subject of heated debates of the last two decades. As they receive and what benefits from this extract, what are the consequences of the use of GMOs wpisu person — very difficult questions. Do you need to protect yourself from products with a modified genome, …

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Scientists: to defeat insomnia have less sleep

To solve the problem of insomnia, the person should reduce the duration of sleep. To such a paradoxical conclusion was American scientists. They conducted a study, which was attended by over 400 people. Thus the 394 volunteers had no problems with sleep, and 31 for once in my life suffered …

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Russian school students will get lessons in healthy eating

In schools across the country should receive the lessons of a healthy food, which will be conducted by dietitians. This initiative was organized by the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation. “We are working hard to ensure that our preventive clinics in clinics was necessarily consultative receptions of nutritionists …

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Viagra has been useful for diabetics-core

The drugs against male impotence, including Viagra, has been able to reduce the risk of heart diseases. As writes on Wednesday, June 15, edition of the Daily Express, a study was conducted by specialists of the center of cardiac surgery, University of Manchester (UK). It is expected that the article …

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