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That’s what Moscow is definitely better Petersburg

Weekend ride to visit her sister in Moscow. Haven’t seen her nephew, and there was a couple absolutely free from all the worries of the day and I decided to visit Whitestone. Without thinking, picked up the tickets after work and by one o’clock on Saturday landed in the capital. …

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For three years the financial sector has lost nearly 570 players

Experts believe that before the end of the Stripping still far Over the past three years, from June 2013, when the Chairman of the Central Bank was appointed Elvira Nabiullina, the domestic financial market has undergone significant transformation and has survived several serious crises. During this time, the market left …

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Is there life after GDP

The world is on the threshold of a new era, denying the traditional economy. And it will be less predictable than the former. Coming out of the 2008-2009 crisis, the world economy grows for the seventh consecutive year, but its growth remains anemic and is supported by unprecedented low interest …

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On the border of thickets

Underwater plants are the most important native forage for fish during the warmer time of the year. Vegetation is a refuge for larvae, worms, snails, crustaceans, fry of the year. At different times of day, in different conditions, different fish visits the place of the reservoir with well-developed vegetation. Big …

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In Russia appeared a gold mine

As it became known””, employees of the interior Ministry, after a series of searches in the case of the withdrawal of almost 200 billion rubles from the bankrupt Vneshprombank, found documents, obviously, purchased with the stolen funds, as well as dozens of kilograms of jewelry. Thus, it is possible that …

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The Americans on the forbidden land

Foreign commercial fishing, tourism probably started in the eighties. And oddly enough, it is strictly forbidden for tourists of foreign countries, the more capitalist countries. It all began with the arrival from the USA to Moscow in rosohotrybolovsouz President of the fishing Association Trout Unlimited (TU) bill Davis, who expressed …

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