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Bread and water – fresh food!


Хлеб да вода - молодецкая еда!
We are at the bottom sucks, and they are at the top of what?..

Syria and Crimea is ours instead of indexing of pensions and salaries

Tomorrow the President will answer questions from citizens and I have no doubt that the answers will be, as always, full of sparkling humor and polemic findings.
But that falls more than two years wages and pensions, rolls up a network of schools and the level of medical care has fallen through the floor, hardly be explained otherwise than by the geopolitical machinations of Russia’s enemies, still dreaming to bring us to our knees.
As they say, you know, to get to the wiles building, up to indexation, to fat?.. I would live to be!..
In other words, no money and not sight, so that nothing and tongues grinding and to drool…

But for me, money is money.
If you have money to feed Transnistria, s-Ossetia, Abkhazia, Krymne, Donbass, for athletic exercises in Syria, for the establishment of Nitroguard, stamping countless hordes of tanks, and other massively-damaging people, to increase salaries and pensions for officials of all levels, the forgiveness of hundreds of billions of debt every green nigga, so the money is there and so much that even though to burn, the only question in determining priorities…

Once I came to this understanding, I felt better and tomorrow I won’t call and ask stupid question when things get better. Once, at once!
And if I already know, and will not disturb the President for nothing, he’s still a lot of unresolved geopolitical issues with colleagues in the management World, as well as domestic issues! And it’s because of money ought only manage to sign bills!..

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