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Boring summer classes that will help you lose weight

Нескучные летние занятия, которые помогут похудеть Just keep an active lifestyle.

Summer is a great opportunity to be active all the time to keep fit. There are plenty of activities that will not die from boredom, give a charge of vivacity for the rest of the year and will bring the body in perfect order. To keep yourself in shape in the summer very easily. The main thing is to find the right class so never get bored.

First, diversity helps not only to entertain themselves morally, but also to involve all muscle groups, not giving in to them to get used to the monotony. Secondly, it is always fun to try something new.

1. As usual

The simplest thing you can do is perform their usual daily exercise, but outside, in the garden or in the yard, for example, or on a river, lake or sea. The difference will be felt immediately. First, practicing on the street, the body receives the necessary supply of vitamin D. secondly, the heat will create additional resistance to the body that will make ordinary exercises more effective, and you will feel entirely different results.

2. Running

Running outdoors is absolutely not be compared with training on a treadmill. In the summer it is wonderful to do this outside, because the heat of the summer and you can do shorts and a t-shirt, not to insulate myself two pants and three jackets. First, you can run a simple empty streets around the block. Over time, you can move on to the forest path, and there in the highlands. Still a very good run on the beach in the sand. Additional load on the legs will provide a completely different feel and results.

3. Gardening

If a vacation is out on the sea and other resorts this year did not work, find entertainment for themselves at home and at his small Bungalow near the city. Do not start to process hectares of land and planted them with potatoes, carrots, pumpkin and other vegetables. Gardening can be enjoyed in the pleasure. To spice up your day, allocate a few hours a day to plant and water some beautiful flower, trim a few extra branches on the tree to cut the grass on the lawn. Besides that being outdoors brings a lot of Goodies, fine gardening also involves squatting, bending and the use of force, which is good burns calories. In addition, you can get a lot of positive emotions, watching as growing and developing the flower that you planted yourself.

4. Yoga at dawn

You can just do yoga, but much cooler to do it at dawn. Best of all, if you already have some experience and can work independently. If no, must be a smart phone or laptop with video of any set of yoga. Do not be lazy to get up early for a few minutes before dawn, put on the form to practice, to take the Mat and out in the yard, and even better on the river, lake or sea. All the benefits of yoga, you will receive the highest level of bliss, catching at dawn, the cool summer early morning, meeting and greeting the sun.

5. Bike

Remember how in the childhood all liked to ride bikes? And not for nothing, this is a very exciting and fun. Worth a try now. Besides that this is really cool, Cycling still has a lot of advantages, improving character, and positive impact on the condition of the body. This is a wonderful exercise for all leg muscles and abdominals. Instead of running to ride a bike every morning or evening. But don’t forget about the rules of the road.

6. Videos

If you want something more active and fun things to do with friends, try the rollers. If you do not know – learn. After all, it’s never too late! You can use any place with smooth surface: a desert road, a city square, or Park, special areas for rollers and skaters, or even roller skating, which is likely that you will find in any Mall in any town. Besides that it is fun, it is also useful. Having fun with friends, you will frighten the muscles of the legs, buttocks and abdominals.

7. Frisbee

Leave the Frisbee on the beach with friends is fun and exciting. This exercise is not particularly intense calorie burner, but enormously trains legs. Instead of slowly pass the Frisbee to each other, arrange the competitive form of the game, set boundaries, discuss the rules and blast off into a fun beach game that will gradually catch up with new friends.

8. Hiking

From the mountain you can’t look away, so it fascinates with its power and unspeakable beauty. In the mountains the air is something special, which it is impossible to breathe. Hiking in the mountains has a very nice relaxing and therapeutic action, is the perfect way to calm down, be alone with yourself, to understand yourself and merge with nature. But other than that, Hiking in the mountains offers the perfect set of exercises for the thighs and buttocks.

9. Volleyball

Not all the school was fond of exercise. Therefore, you may not be a great player in volleyball and not even know the rules of the game. But who needs precise rules on the beach? Or in the woods? Or someone in the country? You can even do without the grid (which is not true about the ball), which is easily used rope stretched between two trees. Volleyball is a great workout cardiovascular system. In addition, the game gives tone to the muscles of the buttocks, thighs, calves, arms and abdominals. One word – the whole complex. If we add to this finding in the fresh air, you can safely put yourself in the ranks of the most healthy people on the planet.

10. Basketball

Basketball burns a ton of calories, and street basketball can burn more. Here need more knowledge and skill than volleyball, but it’s still fun if you do it in the company of friends. They also teach the basic points of the game.

11. Swimming

Well, what’s summer without swimming? Sea, river, lake, any body of water in the city, outside it or in the country is good for intense physical exertion. It is pleasant and helpful. Swimming is one sport that trains the whole body as a whole at the same time, because involve absolutely all muscle groups. It is also good for joints that will protect you from cramps and other problems associated with them. In addition, this is the perfect way to relieve stress. If the pond is not available to you, join the pool at a local sports complex. A couple of hours several times a week will do the trick.

12. Water skiing

If you live somewhere near the pond, or are the happy owner of a summer vacation with the opportunity to travel to the sea, be sure to try water skiing this summer! Always interested in trying something new, especially because it’s still new and so useful for the body. This sport is not so simple at first, but you can quickly learn how, and it’s damn fun and exciting.

13. Water aerobics

If you enjoy aerobics, this summer should try aerobics in the water. That’s even cooler. First, it puts less strain on the joints, and second, more load on the muscles due to the greater resistance required for exercise in the water. Consequently, more calories are burned. In the water you can jump, squat, lift legs, do lunges, even getting on his hands and tumbling. Then swim to train hands, and a perfect shape guaranteed!

14. Sailing

Another wonderful thing that you have to experience while you are at sea – sailing. It’s hard, but incredibly exciting and useful. This can burn up to 250 calories per hour. Do not be lazy to find out where you can take a few lessons and work out while you are on vacation. In addition to physical activities, this sport also give the moments of incredible serenity and peace.

Summer is a great time to get a full set of useful and effective exercise in the open air. The room will be when the rains and while the weather allows, take all necessary vishnevite friends – and-forth on this boundless Playground!

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