Home / Oil / Bloomberg reported on the change in Iran’s relations to the idea of freezing oil

Bloomberg reported on the change in Iran’s relations to the idea of freezing oil

Bloomberg сообщил о перемене отношения Ирана к идее заморозки добычи нефти

The proposal to freeze the oil production is not in the interest of Iran. The restriction places an “unrealistic demands” of the country, reports on Tuesday, February 23, Bloomberg with reference to the oil Minister of the country of Bijan Namdar Zanganeh.

Iran, by contrast, aims to increase production after years of sanctions to restrict Iranian oil, says the Agency. “It’s very funny: they come with a proposal to freeze production of oil and call it freezing their 10 million barrels a day against Iranian million barrels”, — quotes the Minister Agency.

February 17 is the same Bijan Namdar Zanganeh expressed the opposite position, speaking of support, refusal to increase production after talks with his counterparts from Venezuela, Iraq and Qatar. After saying oil prices on the exchange has risen sharply.

More accurately expressed, the Ambassador of Iran in OPEC Mehdi Asali: before application it Zanganeh said that the Islamic Republic does not consider it right to freeze their own oil production to keep prices from falling.

February 16, Russia and several OPEC members (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Venezuela) agreed to freeze oil production in order to support the quotations for the half year declined by 70 percent. The intention to join the agreement also said Iraq and Kuwait, and on February 20 was added to Nigeria.

As reported the Deputy head of the Ministry of energy of Russia Anatoly Yanovsky, the initiator was freezing Venezuela. In this case, according to Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, as a result of the decision of oil production in Russia will increase, as the level of January 2016 higher than similar parameters for 2015.

February 23, OPEC has invited the U.S. to join negotiations on freezing the level of oil production.

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