Home / Medicine / Biblical elixir: the recipe of the most useful of tea

Biblical elixir: the recipe of the most useful of tea

Библейский эликсир: рецепт самого полезного чаяThe Bible is not just a religious book for Christians but also for the natural encyclopedia of herbal medicine.

The olive tree is an ancient plant that was used both as a food and as a healing agent.

It is known for its ability to treat some diseases due to the content of the active component oleuropein. Olive leaves are useful in gonorrhea, pneumonia, herpes, tuberculosis, hepatitis, meningitis and influenza.

Oleuropein in olive leaf contains antimicrobial properties, and therefore they can fight fungi, bacteria, infections. You can also prepare tea from the leaves of the olive tree, which will help in the fight against botulism, stomach ulcers, chronic fatigue syndrome, encephalitis, malaria, atherosclerosis, urinary tract infections and diphtheria.

When you drink tea from the leaves of the olive tree, you strengthens the immune system and actually improves the overall health.

Here is a recipe you can try at home today:

Ingredients: olive leaves (dried) – 20pcs., pure water — 3 liters.

Method of preparation and use:

Put olive leaves in boiling water, let boil for about 10 minutes.

Remove the leaves and let tea cool at room temperature for about 15 minutes.

You can add honey or lemon to the tea if you want.

See also: This is a simple recipe of “clean” lungs for three days

Drink this tea every day for several weeks to improve health.

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