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Best recipes for weight loss based on the ginger

 Лучшие рецепты для похудения на основе имбиряGinger has unique properties.

“What impression has this to eat or drink to lose weight” – that is the question that occupies many women and men. All of them should pay attention to ginger – this root possesses invaluable properties. There are several recipes for teas and cocktails with ginger that will help to normalize weight.

Slimming tea with ginger and garlic
Water – 2 liters;
Ginger – 4 cm;
Garlic – 2 cloves.
Peel the ginger and cut into thin slices, garlic cut into slices. Put ginger and garlic into a thermos, pour boiling water and infuse for hours. Then the tea drain and pour back into the thermos. Drink small cups throughout the day.

Slimming tea with ginger and orange
Ginger root – 2 cm;
Peppermint – 1 tbsp;
Cardamom – 1 pinch;
Lemon juice 85 ml;
Orange juice – 50 ml;
Boiling water – 1 l;
Honey – to taste.
In a blender, mix finely chopped ginger, mint and cardamom. Pour this mixture in boiling water, infuse for 30 minutes. Then strain, cool slightly and add orange juice and lemon. In the last turn to taste add honey. This drink is best served cold in the summer heat, as it is very refreshing.

Slimming tea with ginger and cranberries
Cranberries (dried grass) – 1 tsp
Ginger (root or powder) – to taste
Honey – to taste.
brew in teapot cranberries with ginger, hold it under a thick towel for 30 minutes, drain and cool. Add honey to taste. This tea is drunk in case, if the body has too much fluid. Along the way, it normalizes the activity of the kidneys and relieves inflammation of the urinary tract.

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