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Aspirin dangerous for women

 Аспирин опасен для женщинAspirin is a bad choice for healthy women who want to protect themselves from a stroke.

This is despite the fact that this medicine is one of the known methods for the prevention of cardiovascular accidents.
A new report from scientists from the Netherlands suggests that if 50 women will take aspirin for 10 years, stroke will be able to prevent only one of them, and all one needs to enter the high-risk group.

The study involved nearly 28,000 healthy women age 45 years, who received either aspirin or placebo. The results showed that overall aspirin reduces the risk of strokes, heart attacks and death from ischaemic heart disease from 2.4% to 2.2%. More than any other from taking aspirin won women over 65. However, 49 of women would take aspirin without any benefit to have one of them not had a stroke or heart attack.

“In fact, aspirin helps only a very small number of women. If you do not want the 49 patients for nothing swallow pills, don’t recommend aspirin” – say experts. Thus, they once again questioned the advisability of taking aspirin for preventive purposes.

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