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As the use of laptops affect the students

Как использование ноутбуков влияет на успеваемость школьниковPC improve the academic performance of students.

Experts from the USA have shown a positive effect of computers on student achievement.

According to them in schools, which provided each student a laptop to the training, results of performance were much higher than in other schools.

To such conclusion scientists came after almost 15 years of research, during which they watched the progress of pupils and students from various educational institutions. At the end of the experiment it was found that in schools with a multi-functional approach to learning, which includes work on computers, have been appreciable improvements in tests of English, mathematics, writing and other Sciences.

Experts have notified about his discovery and expressed the hope that in the near future for every child in the school will be available to work laptop. They also noted that such data is possible only due to the fact that children used the computer exclusively in the context of learning and not for personal use.

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