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As a committed scientific revolution?

I want to start this topic with a quote of the great Russian physiologist Alexei Ukhtomsky from his book “Dominant”.

“So, what exceptional originality of Garvey in the history of world science and what is actually this, quite original in his writings, which really did not have the physiology that they made in the case and what caused the subsequent physiological thought in fact to go from him as an ancestor?

What is radically new is introduced Garvey to the physiological idea? I think we’re completely unbiased when we say that where Harvey picks up the empirical basis for their conclusions, it is the successor of what had been done to him. Significantly new it where he draws attention and stresses among the facts that for people in pure empiricism but lost in the diversity of other observations.

But not in this, of course, the exceptional value of Garvey. The value of it in the one before him unprecedented quantitative definition of evidence with which he solves the problem of blood circulation, the ease with which the solution of this problem is perceived since every wish.

Every great discovery is as follows. It is so natural, convincing and natural that people of future generations, saying then that the puzzles in fact there is no, everything here is clear by itself and always, of course, it was natural to think so, as suggested to think Galileo, or Harvey, or Helmholtz, or Hermite.

Here’s a great thing when you manage someone with that simplicity and accessibility for all to show patterns and connections of being, which is obviously a long time ago had there, but which required the eyes of Garvey, to see them and to show them to others with such convincing ease with which he did it. In the end, the case in the method. And the method of Harvey was to physiology really new. And he created something completely new, which gave and learned Garvey to the position of “father of physiological science”, though it was long before that…

Remember how easy it was.

He measured the volume of systole, measuring the number of beats for a certain period of time, learned the approximate total amount of blood in the body and from a comparison of these values can transparency arithmetic to prove that for two and a half minutes, all the contents of blood manages to pass through the heart, and it makes an incredible old assumption that new blood flow to the heart from producing its bodies to stay forever from the heart to the centrifugal channels.

Can be secured in such a rapid and continuous production of blood brought to the heart, must be allowed to return the same blood to the heart through a closed loop. This is the theorem of Harvey, which has the character of exact achievements in physics and geometry”.

I would like to add that every great scientific discovery is like an Epiphany. It always helps to eliminate conflict that existed before, with the consolidation and closure together.

In the case of Garvey’s idea of the blood vessels and the heart as a closed system. Before it was believed that the blood goes from the heart to the organs “forever”, but comes to him from bodies new. And the genius of Harvey was not only in the simplicity of the campaign, with which he convinced of the impossibility of this, but that he closed the loop of circulation into a unified whole.

The land had been previously regarded as an infinite plane went at an indefinite distance. But the development of science and technology has allowed to understand that it is something final and complete form.

And as soon as the accumulated amount of information is fused in our minds in some closed, simple and understandable system, it can be applied for quantitative measurement. It is also becoming clear is its main function, its position and role in the system.

The concept is simple – it has long been known. But simplicity lies in the integrity, in the absence of tearing of contradictions, doubts, uncertainty, the necessity of choosing between the two extreme solutions.

Whether, for example, the theory of relativity genius? No! She is definitely very brave. Einstein was not afraid to challenge classical physics to question many of the “obvious” axioms. But to resolve the conflict of contradictions, to find new, simple and beautiful method failed. His theory remained a theory of relativity, of uncertainty between zero and infinity, between Yes and no, to be or not to be. The question remains open…

The main obstacle to a true understanding of natural processes in science is an unwritten rule of scientists to define the object through other objects. For example, in science it is necessary to say matter is…, energy, and information is… etc. That is necessary to Express one thing through others, through comparison, correlation, connection.

For a scientist not enough statement of fact, and need explanation, justification of its appropriateness, usefulness, determining the cause of its occurrence, its classification.

This feature of scientific thinking is a serious obstacle in the study of the objective reality for what it is, not what it should be, according to some theories.

That is why the minimum amount of information is considered to be binary code, that is, scientists need at least a minimum opportunity of comparison of the comparing information.

Revolutionary my idea is to make the information unit. This means the ability to accept that as a given, without explanation, and long definitions. For example, the concept of “I” is not needed for me. The mere fact of my identity is obvious and needs no explanation nor justification, nor find the cause.

Surprisingly also the fact that the unit is neither a minimum nor a maximum number, it is both at the same time. It expresses completeness and wholeness, unity and understanding, acceptance and objectivity.

Considering information exchange, we must note a feature like focus or addressing.

This is a very important feature.

When the object is in a state of self-sufficiency and contentment with the current state of the system, he does not need anything. In this case, the amount of information equal to one. If we translate this into human language, then it seems to translates: “Peace!” Actually he did in a special way does not broadcast, but simply satisfied with the fact of its existence, and the world, in turn, quite satisfied with his condition. It is undirected, involuntary stream. And it is not even action. But this state is perceived all around and everywhere. From the point of view of Informatics, it can be called as default. From the point of view of acoustics – silence or background.

If the object is not satisfied with the state of the system and its internal state, it seeks to change something in myself and around. In this case, it emits other information aimed at finding and eliminating the cause of discomfort, the transformation of the system and its internal state. He challenges other objects and the system causes a wave of indignation in the environment and gets the response, the response information which uses for its internal development, and at the same time contributes to the development and evolution of the entire system.

The more complex the level of development of the system, napravlenie (more) happens in the radiation and reception of information.

From the uniform propagation of electromagnetic waves, matter, evolving and complicating passes to the thermodynamic phenomena, the formation of structures of different densities, then the objects of classical physics that react with each other according to the laws of mechanics. But it’s all the same phenomena of reflection and absorption, i.e., information interaction, only more pronounced and concentrated, arranged in mass.

By the way, where does the weight, gravity? And what she actually stands for?

Gravity is the ratio of motion and rest.

Einstein believed that motion and rest are relative concepts. And that was his main mistake.

To overcome the contradiction of Einstein, we must recognize the individual existence of each object and consider it not in comparison with other objects, not relative to other bodies, and independently. Ie, to recognize its existence even if no objects around there.

Each object can be in a state of rest or motion disturbance. The calmer, estetichnee the object, the more its gravity. Than more mobile, restless object, the less gravity.

So it turns out that the body is static be closer to the center and stronger at the range of its influence, and the body more dynamic move around them at different distances, on different trajectories, depending on their individual characteristics.

Recognition of the personality independence of each object in nature requires the rejection of the principle of determinism (the causal nature of this world). Therefore, the big Bang theory becomes untenable. The state of the system at some “initial time” to predict its further development. Not knowing the characteristics of the universe at the initial moment of time, to predict the appearance of a human or biological life forms.

From the point of view of religion it means freedom from predetermination, karma, liberation from sin, the attainment of immortality, the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven, the unification of Heaven and Earth, holistic consciousness, oneness with God.

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