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Apple’s sales in China on the 5th place

Apple по продажам в Китае на 5-ом местеChinese manufacturers began to displace Apple, dropping them to fifth position in popularity in the country.

Total revenues of the brand fell by 32%, according to analysts in the International Data Corp.

Experts believe that over time, the Chinese products can almost completely displace the American. A trend they attributed to the fact that Apple’s developers not to equip their devices with new technologies, and several generations of smartphones are practically no changes. Analyst Jesse Ding focuses on the fact that the Chinese products there is water resistance and wireless charging. If the first iPhone 7 still may appear, the announcement of a new technology for charging in the Corporation and was not at all. Chinese manufacturers in recent years show good results, thereby displacing Samsung and Apple.

Some brands managed to achieve even more recognition in the world than the American counterparts. In the European market sales of products from China are accompanied by the slogan “do Not be ashamed to be ashamed to be expensive”. Management of companies in the production of smartphones in this statement wants to emphasize the affordability of its devices, which cannot be said about the iPhone. This marketing strategy is very popular all over the world, and the earnings only go up.

Due to successful past models, Huawei managed to take the leading position in the sales market in China, shifting Xiaomi, which fell not at the 3 position, but is above the Apple.

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