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Anton Nut: white girlfriend

Антон Орехъ: белая подруга

In the late Brezhnev was a memorable ditty, “even if it is eight, still we drink will not abandon, tell Ilyich – us on the shoulder and ten”. Later when Putin is doing the wiser. Vodka is not expensive, and Vice versa — everything is getting cheaper and cheaper and soon even the least affluent citizen will be able to buy her so that will take a vodka bath, boil it for tea, cooking with vodka noodles and just quench the thirst with vodka. At least upeysya even drown. Expensive milk, expensive bread.

Tariffs raise, grow taxes and levies. Pensions are frozen before rigor. The car gradually re-transformed from means of transportation into a luxury abroad on vacation people do not go not because of the patriots, because to go on. To refrigerators, washing machines and televisions again soon, we will save over the years, like our parents. And only vodka, our White Friend, more affordable and more accessible. Here and do not want to drink, and drink. Drunkenness and so replaces the millions of our fellow citizens, all forms of leisure. But now the Green Dragon will be just out of competition. Drive her away, Tugu sadness.

Even at 150 – and life will improve. The morning drink the whole day is free. Vodka – here is our generic equivalent. When pensions freeze forever, and salaries get lost somewhere along the way to our wallet, come to the aid of a liquid currency like the good old times in which we as a country yearn. For the bubble to be a handy man you what you want to do, not the fact that these nickanme rubles. Vodka can be on vacation to save money. I do have long said: what is the point to travel to distant lands, there to two weeks to thump — it is possible to stay at home all the time to plump even more by buying instead of a hotel and plane tickets a few boxes of “Putinka”. They say that the fridge and the TV is not connected. And that’s not true.

Looking in the refrigerator will stand. If instead of two bottles of vodka for the same money in monosilicic can be assumed to be three, and TV will become even more beautiful and the life outside the window does not seem gloomy. For this, the government are fully willing to accept a reduction in their income. Well, what if the sale of alcohol is an important article of replenishment? For ordinary people, we no budget is not a pity. Therefore, the excise tax will decrease, allowed to sell booze online, and even better — on the streets.

A hundred rubles for half a liter is a lot. It is necessary that the bottle could be purchased by a person, who has no paper money – just by assembling the trifle in a fist. And to finally adopt the law about the benefits of drinking and the first line in the law to write words in the Ministry of industry: “the consumption of alcohol per capita is not a significant factor for the health of the nation”. And drink immediately.

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