Home / Business / An open letter to the President of the RKF A. I. Inshakova

An open letter to the President of the RKF A. I. Inshakova

Very timely (“HORN” № 38, 2016) You raised the issue of polar bear conservation in the Arctic, which “… is no less important than the problem of preservation of the Amur tiger”. I completely agree that in Russia the forest-eared dog helped get the game and always defended hunter. But in terms of Russia, with the significant expansion of its forest areas and great differences in climate have evolved different qualities of pointy-eared forest-dog — Laika. And if the Asian part of Russia prefer large stroszek, in the European North huskies were smaller, and in the North-West is very small.

Now a bit of history: in the days of Prince Shirinsky-Shikhmatov in Russia yet there was no breed huskies, but in different Nations inhabiting the Northern forests, was the so-called “offspring” is similar in exterior and use of dogs. The first attempt to form a breed of huskies can be attributed to the 20-30-th years. of the twentieth century. Work on the selection of a group of huskies were held under the direction of Professor N. A. Smirnov, who was the responsible editor of the first standards. And A. P. Vasil Barmashove — Chairman of the section of huskies and livestock expert, then the USSR Academy of Sciences N. K. Vereshchagin. “The standards of the likes of the USSR” was published in 1936 in the Proceedings of the Arctic Institute (volume 56, “Biology”). And the first time standards for the huskies were approved by the government in 1939. Then well-educated Russian handlers continued to work on the formation of breeds of huskies, and by 1947 it was proposed to unify and closely spaced rocks and create standards for four breeds of huskies, which after discussion and a five-year testing were approved in 1952. After that began an intensive breeding of these species.

The very first breed that started to breed specifically, there was a small red husky, who inhabited the North-West of Russia — forests of the Leningrad region, Karelia and Western part of Arkhangelsk oblast — Karelian-Finnish, and by 1935 was made the standard, little changed by 1952. Currently, the Karelo-Finnish Laika is spread across Russia, the main breeding centers are the Moscow oblast, Karelia, Leningrad, Sverdlovsk, Kirov region, etc. That is, the Karelo-Finnish Laika as a breed in Russia in breeding there are more than 80 years.
And all of a sudden in 2006 we learned that You, Alexander, as President of RKF, signed an agreement with the Finnish kennel club (FKC) on the unification of the Karelo-Finnish Laika and the Finnish Spitz is one breed, the appropriate standard “Finnish Spitz”. Why? Why?

And sorry for the Amur tiger and the polar bear to be taken care of, but how do You, a member of the Central headquarters of political party “Patriots of Russia”, easily gave his domestic breed Karelo-Finnish Laika and thereby in the country allowed her to terminate? The breed created by the Russian specialists of high rank and approved for hunting by thousands of hunters.
Time passed, and we see that it had a negative impact on the Karelo-Finnish Laika in the factory as a standardized breed. The result of the Karelo-Finnish Laika loses its inherent working qualities, impair its exterior, it numerically reduced, that is, disappears.

Karelo-Finnish Laika in 1993 included in the State register of breeding achievements of the Russian Federation under the number 9358358-9428 15856. The originators of the breed Karelo-Finnish Laika are the interregional sport public organization “Moscow society of hunters and fishermen” MSOO Measure and the all-Russian Association of public associations of hunters and fishers “Association Rosokhotrybolovsoyuz”. These organizations resolution on the unification of breeds not allowed.

We, hunters and lovers of the breed Karelo-Finnish Laika, I appeal to You, Alexander, with a request to You now, when it’s time for patriots — people loyal to the Homeland, fixed a historical injustice and “given the freedom” of the Karelo-Finnish Laika as a separate breed, since in the modern world of the Karelo-Finnish Laika as a hunting breed will disappear much faster than the Siberian tiger or polar bear. And it does not need any money, just need Your good will.

Just need to make a decision and record in the stud book separately the national dog breed of Finland — “the Finnish Spitz” and separately — domestic breed of Russian Karelo-Finnish Laika, having a room 9358358 in the State register of breeding achievements of the Russian Federation and the room 9428 15856 — as a hunting Laika. The standard of the breed required for the RKF, we have. And that’s all. Then our Karelo-Finnish Laika will be saved.

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