Home / Medicine / An invaluable benefit of propolis has been proven by scientists

An invaluable benefit of propolis has been proven by scientists

Неоценимая польза прополиса доказана ученымиPropolis is often called the “healer” due to its unique beneficial properties.

Propolis is a substance that is produced by bees to seal their hives, to decontaminate honey comb and to isolate foreign objects trapped in the hive, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to LadyHealth.

Propolis looks like a sticky mass of yellowish color, which has a bitter taste and characteristic odor. Propolis tincture is made and used for the treatment of many pathologies.

The propolis contains many useful substances for the human body: bioflavonoids, wax, steroids, resins, glycosides, essential oils, organic acids, vitamins A, C, D, E, P, group B, trace elements and amino acids.

Bioflavonoids are natural biologically active substances. They contribute to the improvement of metabolism in the tissues and increase immune function.

In wax there are fats that are needed for the synthesis of cell membranes. Steroids, which are contained in propolis, required for the synthesis of hormones and cholesterol.

Resin play the role of preservatives, because they contribute to slowing down the processes of decay. Glycosides are natural energy substrates for cells.

Essential oils possess immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Using organic acids is regulated by the protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

Amino acids are natural building blocks of the human body. Vitamins are organic catalysts, without which it will not be the normal metabolism.

The propolis contains a lot of trace elements: Fe, K, Ca and Na. They needed to transport of oxygen, growth of bone tissue and the conduction of impulses through the nerves.

Most striking is that by heating and mixing the propolis with other ingredients, the nutrients in it are not destroyed.

Propolis tincture can be used in pathologies of the oral cavity, otitis media, pharyngitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer, purulent processes, influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, low immunity, hemorrhoids, hypertension, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, intestinal dysfunction and the propensity for thrombus formation.

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