Home / Auto / American experts predicted the growth of sales of hydrogen cars

American experts predicted the growth of sales of hydrogen cars

Американские эксперты предсказали рост продаж водородных автомобилейIn their opinion, the number of hydrogen cars in the world in the next ten years will increase several times.

Analysts have told about the future of hydrogen cars. Experts believe that such machines will retain its status as an exotic transport.

The staff of the research organization IHS Automotive, the office of which is located in the US, studied the market of hydrogen cars and came to the conclusion that in the next ten years, the production of such vehicles will increase significantly.

To date, the world produced no more than several hundred machines with an engine running on hydrogen. According to experts, already by 2027, this figure will rise to 70 000 copies. However, their share in the world market will amount to only 0.1%, which is similar to the car will still be considered exotic.

In addition, the experts suggested that in 5-7 years in many developed countries will be hydrogen refueling. Most of them will be in South Korea and Japan, which will engage in the production of such machines.

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