Home / Medicine / Allergic to the cold: symptoms, treatment and prevention

Allergic to the cold: symptoms, treatment and prevention

Аллергия на холод: симптомы, лечение и профилактикаNot everyone knows that there are allergic to the cold, and the sudden appearance of the rash and red spots for many is an unpleasant surprise.

In the autumn of annoying not only the cloudy sky and constant rain, but allergic to the cold, which will endure until spring.

In this article we will explain why in response to the decrease of temperature an unpleasant symptoms and what to do with them.

What it is

Allergic to the cold is the common popular name for several symptoms. Common among them is that they appear when in contact with cold: cold air, cool water, snow.

This so-called pseudoallergic reaction. A real Allergy is the body’s response to foreign protein to the stimulus. In the case of frost no proteins have not affect, and unpleasant symptoms are due to the physical action of low temperature. They occur at any age, but often affects women, and after 25-30 years.

Allergy symptoms for a cold are different:

Strong stuffy nose in the cold. Slight swelling is a normal reaction, but if breathing does nothing, then it may be a manifestation of vasomotor rhinitis.

Skin redness, peeling, spots and even blisters. Is cold urticaria or dermatitis.
Redness of the eyes, itching, tears – conjunctivitis.

All these symptoms of sickness recede, if you go back to a warm room. And have to suffer all winter.

Where does the Allergy to the cold

Unfortunately, scientists do not know exactly why there is allergic to the cold. So to cure it once and for all can’t. But there are several factors which provoke the appearance of symptoms:

Genetic predisposition. If your relatives suffered in the cold, you also can appear allergic.

Infectious diseases. Risk of cold Allergy increase and serious infections (such as mononucleosis or hepatitis), and frequent colds.

Chronic diseases. Allergic to the cold often affects those who have problems with kidneys, thyroid, digestive system.

Allergies. If you have any reaction to food, pollen or tissue, the body and the cold will respond incorrectly.
Bad habits. Alcohol and cigarettes increase the risk of Allergy.
How to cure Allergy for a cold

To start to get to the doctor and find out whether you are allergic to cold and if there is a more serious disease, which only disguised her. But to take action to became easier to live.

Take special drugs

The doctor should prescribe antihistamines, and ointments with corticosteroids for the skin. Independently, it is better not to buy, not to throw out money for nothing and don’t get side effects.

Change clothes

If you are predisposed to allergies, the skin can react to wool, fur or dyes that is processed and warm clothing. The fur coats, probably not for you. Choose hypoallergenic materials and wash winter clothes with special products for Allergy sufferers.

Protect your skin

First, close from the cold and wind all can be closed. Second, if the affected eye, don’t hesitate to wear goggles. Third, lubricate the skin with special protective cream, your lips hygienic lipstick.

Buy a mild cleanser for the soul, designed for sensitive skin, not to injure the inflamed areas and even soap. Discard the pool, not to provoke allergies chlorinated water.

A diet

Even if food allergies do not have to go on a diet. Eliminate from the diet foods that can provoke a reaction. It’s a citrus, chocolate, fish, honey, eggs.

Rinse the nose with salt water

Sprays, containing only sea water, not cure, but help to endure unpleasant symptoms. They are expensive, but there is an alternative – a pharmacy saline. The analogue can be done independently, if you dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a liter of water.

But vasoconstrictors is better not to drip, if you don’t want to get dependent on them.


Hardening and a gradual adaptation to the cold will help only if you have rhinitis, that is cold. If the cold-responsive skin, do not scoff at her and leave the addiction to cold until better times.

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