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Alcohol poisoning: symptoms and first aid

Отравление алкоголем: симптомы и первая помощьFor the last week in Ukraine victims of fake alcohol were more than 30 people.

How to understand what the cause of the illness has become a surrogate and what action to take until the arrival of the ambulance, we asked the toxicologist, head of the Ukrainian child centre for clinical toxicology, intensive efferent therapy Center Natalia Voloshin.

The first signs of poisoning alcohol

At first glance, the signs of poisoning “Palenque” are no different from symptoms of poisoning after excessive drinking. The only difference in the period of their manifestation.

In the case of “Palenque” in an hour and a half, pulsation in the temples, a sharp headache, dizziness, blurred vision (“floaters”, blurred, flash) and coordination. Also, these symptoms are joined by nausea, vomiting and possible inappropriate behavior.

If the amount of counterfeit alcohol was small, the symptoms may occur on the second or third day in the form of blurred vision, pain in the legs, headache or dizziness. In this case, it is also important to consult a doctor.

What to do when poisoning to the ambulance?

First aid is very important, because toxins are absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly, causing the body irreversible processes.

Rinse the stomach

You first need to wash out the stomach with plenty of warm salted water and salt (2 tablespoons per three liters). Sodium prevents the absorption of toxins in the stomach wall. Through the power drink that water and try to vomit, if not, press the index and middle finger root of the tongue. Rinse the stomach until, until will not nachto to tear water.

Take enterosorbent

After washing to neutralize the action and excretion of toxins take powerful enterosorbent (according to the manual) – the White coal, Enterosgel, APSCO, etc.

Drink 50 ml of alcohol

Oddly enough, but an antidote for poisoning by counterfeit alcohol (usually methyl alcohol) is ethyl alcohol. Drink 50 ml of 30% ethyl alcohol (available at pharmacies) and lie down in bed before the arrival of the ambulance.

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