Home / Science and technology / Airbus introduced the world’s first printed on a 3D printer airplane

Airbus introduced the world’s first printed on a 3D printer airplane

Airbus представила первый в мире напечатанный на 3D-принтере самолетThe aircraft’s weight was 21 kgs with a length of less than four meters.

Airbus the international aerospace show ILA Berlin Air Show 2016 introduced the world’s first mini-plane Thor printed on a 3D printer.

It is reported that the device weight was 21 kilogram and its length is slightly less than four meters.

The drone was designed specifically for aerodynamic research, which are associated with increased risk.

The publication also notes that the creation of such a device took several weeks of work a 3D printer. At the same spent on it was much less money than in the design of such aircraft in the traditional way.

At the same time a 3D printer has allowed to significantly reduce the weight of the aircraft, as well as more quickly make changes in the design.

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