Home / Science and technology / After starting Pokemon Go sales external battery in the US has doubled

After starting Pokemon Go sales external battery in the US has doubled

После запуска Pokemon Go продажи внешних аккумуляторов в США выросли вдвое After starting Pokemon Go sales external batteries in the USA has increased several times. Data estimated research company the NPD Group.

According to representatives of the company, The NPD Group, within 2 weeks, the sales of external storage power for smartphones in the U.S. over the same month of 2015 at 101 percent.

During this period, it sold 1.2 million batteries. Experts believe that demand has increased due to the release of the app Pokemon Go, which was launched in the US on 6 July.

Analysts attributed the crazy statistics only with this game, because the maximum gap between the previous and the current year was equal to 4 percent.

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