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About the technique of shooting geese

It is time for the autumn goose migration, and hence it comes time to talk about the intricacies of shooting geese. Word to the goose house to avoid an experienced St. Petersburg Anatoly AZAROV.

Just before landing (I think for 150 meters) geese stop laughing. It is sometimes said that cackling geese will never sit. Think this is wrong. It is important gogochut if they last 150 meters. I never expect some crazy shaft geese, and always vigilantly waiting for a RAID. And from it take of geese (with MC 21-12). Yes, I shaft not needed. A lot of stuff I never try, but my usual rule of ten I, every trip you take. It will not be good, if you strike out with a single touch. The same and teach their young comrades.

And my motto is: always allow the flock to make two or three circling. For me it’s easy: once geese “did not draw” over my head, so they were on the sidelines. Let them go. Maybe on the second or third round will be held at the shot. And try to turn, to rise, to get a better look — a sure way to blow your cover. And then the flock in the coming days then wait is absolutely useless.
It is important to be fully prepared to fire. Periodically to quietly stretch my limbs as I sat still on the cold autumn wind can be freezing, and movements and actions will be inaccurate.
The blinds should not be allocated to areas no height, no color, better if it will be with a maximum height of 40 cm, i.e., to recline in transene. And back will not be tired from waiting, and the case will not Shine above horizon level (it will be little opportunity to turn, to change body position, not afraid to scare off geese).

The blinds should not be too thick and cast a shadow on a Sunny day, Gus doesn’t trust the thickness. On the contrary, flocks from a distance you can see the “empty” groove and not overfly it by. Covered kicks mesh and neaten grass — field, it will be the best disguise. On top of the blinds do not close completely, and just upstairs the walls should taper, not to unmask the hunter, when the geese make a preliminary overflight before landing, but also to be able in a RAID flocks to quickly jump.

A very important thing. To be able to quickly jump up, under the knees should be dug a pit in the diameter of 40-45 cm and the same depth. When lying on my back in transene a depth of 35-40 cm, the hole does not interfere with (the boots are on the bottom of the trench behind the hole.) And to jump, legs bent and lowered into the recess. One jerk of the body forward and up, and you’re already standing and ready to fire. From this moment, as I call it — shooting the climax, is very dependant on the accuracy. After all, just not with the ready and the geese are already far away. It is possible to produce a series of shots, but they will be ineffectual. Distance will have certainly extraordinary.

So should be patient during the RAID of the pack, to allow closer, quickly jump up to shoot standing up, as sitting there will be many blunders, and to turn to the side or back is problematic), not to allow the eyes to run up and aim at each time a specific bird. First to hit the oncoming bird, then palustrine, then the side, moloughney and, finally, theft. To expect the result of each shot is impossible, too much time is spent, and you may not have time to shoot at an acceptable distance. After shooting a quick look at the fallen bird and, if you have fallen in the distance, to take action quickly to her transoms. Should be running with rifle, binoculars and ammo (pouch 8-10 pieces). Here you can not loiter, as the wounded animal can quickly run away, hide, and then, come, fly. Pursuing need binoculars all the time you must follow him, otherwise you can lose sight of.

My boss at the goose — shot №№ 1, 0. Shot shot No. 0 in the range of 27-30 holes on 60 meters. Plastic sleeve — “revelo”, ” gunpowder “Sokol” 2.3 grams, its plastic seal. It draws special attention. To obturate need as carefully as possible. You can take the shot wad Scheinin, for 12-16 gauge, then the two cardboard strips, felt wad, oslany, 1/3 MDF and fraction 36 g for МЦ21-12 along with a starch (mix in advance), sealing with an asterisk. Starch — for better shock absorption, seal — the best of obturation, the asterisk is so that the box will not interfere with departure Grabovogo column. At 50 meters shot number 0 or 1 must fall within the range 750 mm 50% of pellets of the projectile. For example, of the 78 pellets of the projectile in the circle should be 39 units. Then the shot at the far distance will be reassuring.

By the way, we need, among other things, and accurate eye. Personally, I define distance: the length of a goose’s 60 meters approximately equal to the width of the muzzle of one barrel in his gun. If the silhouette is much smaller, so, to shoot anymore, it is 100 meters or more.

Long distance I think 45-50 meters. Ultimate — 55-60 meters. Hunting literature for shooting at 45-50 meters usually recommends to use the container. But not all containers can increase the effective range of fire. If they “fall” into the barrel, small rim cuffs, small volume of the container, not the stuff they fight is not going to improve. In such cases they are best avoided. Analyzing the hunting literature, beginning with pre-revolutionary, I can say that the basic recommendations for the number of shot No. 1, 0.
Shooting further 60 meters do not approve, I think poaching and sabotage, whatever fraction it may be carried out. Even with No. 00, 000, 0000. These numbers are fractions generally do not recommend to use for goose hunting. Not to mention the canister. Belolaptikov autumn, No. 1, spring hard Peru — No. 0.

Rare flapping of the wings and the large size geese are creating the illusion of their proximity. This is a great difficulty for the beginners to determine the distance to the geese. A sure shot when visible legs. The ratio of length of the wing of the goose to the length of the torso on the bias to tail more than, say, a duck. Therefore, it is for the same speed can flap their wings less frequently. And the speed is 17-20 m/s. Preemption is already 50 meters have to take 4-5 buildings. The case is well protected goose feather and down. Weaker protected the wings and neck. It is therefore better to beat then, when the goose revealed over themselves. It is useless to beat and counter, especially at long range. You need to pass and beat under the pen. Consider insincere words, “like, geese I shoot no further than 30 meters.” Maybe this “rough” hunter just suffer eye. I admit the shots up to 60 meters. But this does not mean that I seek to be shooting. Of course, more reliable to hit at 30-45 meters.

Can not resist the heat of hunting and shooting. It is always necessary to know the measure of in the production of trophies and remembered that, besides the removal of the carcasses of geese, many of which we should learn — and a shotgun, and remnants of ammunition, and a sleeping bag, binoculars, spare clothing, cameras, and decoys, and a thermos, and some dishes… and much more then. While walking through the swamp — it’s not walking on the dirt road or even a walk in the woods. Each step is difficult, particularly in wet autumn in the swamp with an abundance of hollows and dirt.

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