Home / Medicine / A glass of this drink in the morning, and you can easily lose weight

A glass of this drink in the morning, and you can easily lose weight

Стакан этого напитка по утрам, и вы легко похудеетеIn the morning on an empty stomach after drinking a cocktail, you considerably will accelerate your metabolism.

This drink caught my attention immediately: I saw in the recipe an amazing combination of products.

According to Ayurveda, sweet fruits combine well with greens, helping your digestive system work. In the morning on an empty stomach after drinking a cocktail, you considerably will accelerate your metabolism. The effect will be preserved for the whole day!

Weight loss smoothies at home, preparing easy, the main thing — to have on hand a blender. This drink is popular due to the unusually strong flavor, I recommend to try!

Homemade cocktail slimming


300 g of spinach
3 stalks of celery
1 banana
1 Apple
1 pear
0,5 tbsp. water

Mix all ingredients in a blender. Optionally, you can add a cocktail in a pinch of cinnamon or ginger powder, these spices accentuate the spicy fresh taste!

The fat on the belly and flanks is often a consequence of improper digestion and slow metabolism. Fat burning weight loss smoothies will help to improve the situation! This recipe is suitable for rapid weight loss: in a week after drinking you will become slimmer and digestive system will work like clockwork.

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