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Scientists have discovered an unexpected cause of overeating

Ученые обнаружили неожиданную причину перееданияIt’s all in the memories.

It is accepted that obesity is a marker of nutritional problems. However, recent studies say, is a complete deviation in the brain. Inhibition of memories (blocking of memories that are no longer needed), associated with the hippocampus often involves food. Usually memories about food aktualisierte if people are hungry. And when saturated they are, on the contrary, are suppressed.

Previous research suggests that the Western diet (rich in fat, sugar, containing little fruit and vegetables) gives the inhibition of memories in the hippocampus. In practice, this may mean that the person will be hard to put down good memories about the harmful products in response to visual or olfactory stimulus. And the degree of saturation of the person will not play a role.

In order to dot the “I”, researchers gathered a group of volunteers and those forced to undergo tests for learning ability and memory. Also wanted to assess the attractiveness and desire for delicious snacks before and after lunch. It turned out, the people who ate according to the scheme of Western diets, worse coped with the tests on learning and memory. And snack it seemed to them more attractive, despite the absence of hunger. In General: unhealthy foods have a negative impact on the hippocampus, leading to vicious circles.

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