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In Sweden, test electrogroove

В Швеции тестируют электродорогиFor research use hybrid trucks.

Even in the most advanced electric cars used rechargeable batteries that will sooner or later be exhausted, so after a couple of hundred miles in your Tesla, you still have to stop and charge the battery for several hours. What if the electric car will be recharged with electricity directly from the road? The Swedish government also found it interesting this issue, so it launched a special programme which explores the possibility of creating such an electrified roadway.

Probably the Swedes offered already a lot of futuristic concepts, but so far everything is much simpler: the researchers were limited to a stretch of road with a length of two kilometers, over which stretched wires used to fuel specially-modified trucks. Everything looks exactly the same as in our cities, but instead of trolleybuses and trams, the Swedes rolled big trucks that receive electricity through two wires. The capacity of the line is 750 volts. Likely to create such electric lines will be only for trucks and maybe buses. Regular cars are too low, so equip them with the electric arc very difficult.

For research use hybrid trucks, equipped with fuel engines, and a small lithium-ion batteries that allow the trucks to drive on a single charge a couple of kilometers to get from one electrified area to another. After the truck will once again be in the electric section of the road, the battery switches to charging mode, and the car is powered by wires using an electric arc. Fuel engine installed “just in case” and is used when electricity is not near.

Even in Sweden are testing a different type of electrodag — in which energy is fed on the rails from which the vehicle is fueled with a special “soles”, this option is far preferable to the first — thus, this variant of electric road surface can be used by all members of the movement.

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