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Created a solar panel that can wrap around a pencil

Создана солнечная батарея, которую можно обернуть вокруг карандашаOn the possible timing of the commercialization of the development is not reported.

Researchers from South Korea have developed a flexible solar cells, the thickness of which is so small that they can easily wrap around an ordinary pencil.

The work was carried out by specialists of the Institute of science and technology Gwangju (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology). To reduce the thickness of the elements, scientists combined the cells with the substrate without adhesive. We used the technology of “cold welding” process, where a material is “spliced” with each other due to the pressure without additional heating by external heat sources.

The thickness of the substrate on which the solar cells is only about 1 micrometer. It is 2-4 times less compared to other “thin” solar panels and hundreds of times less compared to traditional solutions.

It is assumed that the solar cells made according to the proposed technology will find application in various portable devices, including wearable electronics. On the possible timing of the commercialization of the development, unfortunately, not reported.

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