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1C bred Trojan-extortionist”

В 1С завелся троян-"вымогатель"Users 1C Trojan attacks.

Each of us has heard about the existence of accounting software 1C. Now, hackers have developed for it, Trojan-extortionist.

On the detection of the malware reported by antivirus company “Doctor Web”. It turned out that the virus is spreading by email. Users receive a letter with the subject “we replaced the BIC”.

Representatives of the anti-virus company said that all of her work is the first case of detection of a Trojan that is written in the Russian language. The virus is based on the embedded programming language 1C, which uses the Cyrillic alphabet.

Attached is a file ПроверкаАктуальностиКлассификаторабанков.epf. After its launch trigger 1C.Drop.1 and the screen shows the seals. At this time, the Trojan sends a letter with its own copy the addresses from the database of contractors, and then launches the malware Trojan.Encoder.567, which encrypts files on the drives of your PC and demands a ransom for decryption.

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