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In Ukraine has created a wireless charging

В Украине создали беспроводную зарядкуIn Ukraine have created a unique wireless charging.

Ukrainian startup called Technovator XE presented the same wireless charging, charging up to 4 gadgets simultaneously at a distance of 5 meters.

The device was developed by co-founder, Concepter, who created the flash iBlazr, Ivan Chubai. In order for the gadget started charging from the base station, it is necessary to wear a special cover and install on the device the app.

The radius of Technovator XE is 5 meters at the same time it can be connected to up to 4 smartphones in their cases. There is also an office model that works with up to 8 devices at a maximum distance of 10 meters.

At this stage it is only on iPhone 6, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus. Using the application, you can monitor the battery level and charging. Full charging of the gadget is approximately 4 hours.
The developers noted that Technovator XE is completely safe for users because the level of radiation fits into the European standards.

В Украине создали беспроводную зарядку

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