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Sony is preparing to announce two new

Sony готовит к анонсу еще две новинки

Recently, the Japanese manufacturer Sony has unveiled the Xperia Ace.

Information shared popular Chinese insider Zackbucks. According to him, Sony 9 Jul announces in Tokyo on the Xperia Xperia 1s and 1v, writes the Chronicle.info with reference to gagadget.com.

As the name suggests, it will be the flagship device. If you believe the rumors, they will receive IPS-display and top-end Qualcomm Snapdragon processor 855.

The network also appeared a photograph of one of the smartphones. On the picture you can see a glass case and triple main camera.

She, unlike Xperia 1, installed in the left corner of the device. On the rear side of the device has no fingerprint scanner. It is likely to be placed on the side or under the screen. Unfortunately, other details about the updates yet.

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