Home / Policy / London has promised to block attempts by the EU to create a unified army

London has promised to block attempts by the EU to create a unified army

Лондон пообещал блокировать попытки ЕС создать единую армиюMichael Fallon Photo: Wong Maye-E / AP

The UK will hinder the creation of a unified army of the European Union (EU), is still a member of the interstate Association. This statement was made by Minister of defence of the United Kingdom Michael Fallon in an interview with The Times.

“This will not happen. We have always expressed our concern, saying that there is no need to duplicate what is already in the NATO” — leads TASS words of the head of the military Department.

Fallon’s statement came amid reports that France and Germany at the informal summit with the leaders of the European Union in Bratislava, which took place in Bratislava on Friday, September 16, presented a plan to create a “joint military force” that would “compete with NATO’s military potential.” The proposal must be formally presented in December. As expected, finally it will be agreed by June 2017.

On 14 September it was reported that the defence Ministers of France and Germany Jean-Yves Le Drian and Ursula von der Leyen initiated a major upgrade of the common defence policy of the EU. The proposal calls for the implementation of the programme of a European refueling aircraft, satellite communication systems. The plan also specifies the need to protect the Schengen area within the European defence Union. A joint paper was submitted to the head of European diplomacy Federica Mogherini.

On 27 June it became known that Paris and Berlin have prepared a joint project of EU reform. One of the points of the document suggested greater integration between countries in the field of security and reducing dependence on NATO. As reported, the implementation of this initiative will lead to the creation of the superstate instead of the current enterprises of countries within the EU.

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