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Products, prolonging youthfulness

Продукты, продлевающие молодостьYouth is the only shortcoming that passes quickly.

Unfortunately, a universal product like “rejuvenating apples” is not yet invented, but the nature created a safe, reliable and natural products, able to prolong and preserve the youthfulness of our body.

It is only important to correctly complement your refrigerator.


This nutrient protects the body from free radicals, neutralizing their effect on the body, has a rejuvenating effect. Blueberries can often be found in the list of foods that are recommended for cancer prevention. This is due to the fact that free radicals, acting at the genetic level, cause mutations in cells, causing the development of malignant tumors.

By the way, blueberries can be considered the real power that restores the strength of tired cells. If you often feel lethargic and overwhelmed, eat at least 100 g of berries per day. This portion will help you cheer up.


Sardines is quite low and not less tasty than salmon or tuna. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are rich in fish, is an important component for the formation of skin cells, and also a protective film on its surface, protecting from dehydration. These polyunsaturated fatty acids are very beneficial for the heart. They relieve inflammation of the walls of blood vessels. It is known that this process is the first step in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and the development of age-related diseases such as atherosclerosis.

In canned sardines are no less than prepared. The only thing to pay attention to the composition. It is best if the fish will swim in natural juice, and also salt and pepper the other preservatives in it.


Can’t sleep? Stop to consider in the evening lambs, it is better to eat some cottage cheese. Experts agree it an excellent soporific. Cheese stimulates the production of melatonin – the hormone responsible for sleep, making it more deep, quiet and long lasting. Eat low-fat cottage cheese (5%) 2 hours before sleep and enjoy the dreams.

This dairy product is rich in amino acid tryptophan, which acts on the body soothingly. This substance is better absorbed from the curd, as it has the calcium which helps the brain use of this natural sedative as directed.


Buckwheat contains bioflavonoids. They protect the body cells from the effects of environmental pollution, which accelerate the aging process several times.
Toxins from air, food and water to cling to the shell of cells in specific areas of the receptor, and sooner or later destroy it. Bioflavonoids block the receptors, not allowing pollutants to gain a foothold on the cage and kill her. And buckwheat strengthens the walls of blood vessels. As you know, without proper nutrition and lack of oxygen causes organs and tissues are unlikely to work in the “youth”.


If you’re not a fan of Oriental cuisine, it’s time to taste her taste. I advise you to start with revered in Japan tofu. Actually the curd derived from soybeans, which is especially useful for the female body. Tofu contains phytoestrogens, which have similarities with the female sex hormones.
Soy products are useful to include in the diet of all women, but especially those aged 40 +. After this age, there is a decreased production of estrogen, which significantly affects the appearance, and women’s health. Phytoestrogens slow the aging process of the skin, keep water in it, as well as reduce the risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian.


Squid is not only nutritious and delicious, they are also useful for health. Firstly, squid is the most dietary of all the seafood options. Secondly, the squid protein is absorbed faster than proteins of meat or poultry for 2-3 hours. Squid is very good to eat for dinner, when actively dividing cells of the skin, hair and nails.

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