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6 products to maintain youthful skin

6 продуктов для поддержания молодости кожиYouth is the only shortcoming that passes quickly.

The appearance of wrinkles is inevitable.

Improper diet, bad habits, polluted air of big cities – these are just a few global causes of early aging of the skin. Want to delay the moment – add in the diet these products can help the skin with firmness to withstand the impact of time.


Olive oil can do a miracle: it protects the skin from the sun and helps to restore it. Choose oil first cold pressed (Extra Virgin) – it is not subjected to heat treatment and saves all useful properties.


Have high content of omega-3 fatty acids that increase the moisture level in the body and fill out wrinkles.


Vitamin C (one fruit will fill you daily dose) promotes the production of collagen, this means that the skin becomes elastic, and its relief is smooth. Moreover, grapefruit fights inflammation of the skin and uneven tone.


Extract of sweet pepper, and sometimes include in the bleaching masks – it helps to cope with age spots.


A powerful source of vitamin C and anthocyanins, the latter are responsible for the production of collagen and maintain skin elasticity.


Watermelon contains lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals. And watermelon helps to restore the protective skin barrier.

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