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5 symptoms of an impending heart attack

5 симптомов надвигающегося инфарктаThe doctors called the symptoms, which in any case cannot be ignored.

It happens that symptoms of impending heart attack not so obvious and therefore, in some cases, misdiagnosed.

Is that they are generally blamed for the heartburn or the flu.

Who is at risk, what factors contribute to heart attack? This:

— age;

— high level of cholesterol in the blood;
— high blood pressure;
diabetes any degree;
— tobacco use;
— unhealthy lifestyle;
— obesity;
— genetic predisposition.

Symptoms of a heart attack, which in any case cannot be ignored:

— nervousness, anxiety, worry. Seen that before a heart attack people are anxious and very nervous;

— cold sweat. Because the body responds to the stress and cause heart problems – even in a cool room man begins to sweat intensely;

— pain in the chest. This is a classic symptom for heart attacks. The pain sometimes starts on the left of the center of the chest. Quite often feel like a strong pressure as if the chest would put a heavy stone. And if the person on top begins to feel an unpleasant burning sensation or pressure in the chest, you should immediately call an ambulance. Should also know that by itself, the chest pain is not always a symptom of heart attack. When it is sharp and stabbing, is it may be nothing to do with the heart. In any case, the appearance of pain should immediately seek medical advice and treatment;

— the spread of pain to other areas of the body. It often happens that the occurrence of chest pain is starting to spread on the shoulders, back, arms, elbows, neck, jaw or stomach.

— shortness of breath and tachycardia. If you experience certain problems with breath it is also important to listen to the work of the motor – so can give themselves a heart attack. They usually occur suddenly – one second ago breathing was normal, and then suddenly lost. After a grueling run in the heat and under the hill. Yes and take a deep breath does not work.

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